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「2016台灣國際熱氣球嘉年華」要來囉!7/1~8/7在鹿野高台天天登場!話先說在前面,如果你是有在台灣旅遊的人,一生一定要來一次 !


完整文章連結 :

“Annual International Hot Air Balloon Carnival” is on its way! Starts From July the first to August the 7th. Allow me to say this, If you’re one of those travellers in Taiwan, YOU GOTTA JOIN!

“Tai Dong Hot Air Balloon” is one of the most well-known travel activity during the summer vacation! It all starts small from 2011. Of course, it wasn’t famous at time, there were packed with tourists or travellers. I mean there was even no traffic jam occurred. BUT, things turned another way around the very next year! It was PACKED, people were everywhere, massive crowds were there to join that once a year event. When the time that they lighted up the eighth balloon, you couldn’t even find a hostel to stay over night in Tai Dong! Till today, the sixth “Annual Hot Air Balloon Carnival” is on its way, and every year has it own breakthrough!



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