【21_21 DESIGN SIGHT 企劃展 in Taipei 單位展:This much, That much, How much?】
【21_21 DESIGN SIGHT 企劃展 in Taipei 單位展:This much, That much, How much?】
抓緊暑假尾端 , 到9/16止 , 首次海外巡展,落地台北松菸文創園區!東京 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT連結了近30位的設計師、建築師、學者等所組成的策展團隊,以日常生活再熟悉不過的「單位」為發想,策劃了「單位展:This much, That much, How much? 」,將生活中無所不在的「單位」,透過簡單趣味的「比較」,以及結合視覺、數位、設計美學的豐富創意表現方式,讓觀展者通過眼睛、觸摸、身體體驗參與,或藉由製作物品的工匠、設計師的視角來觀察世界
Seize the last opportunities in summer, the first time overseas travelling exhibition of “Unit Exhibition”will located in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park until September 16.
21_21 DESIGN SIGHT art museum from Tokyo gathered a curatorial group include designers, architects, and scholars around 30 people to design this display for “unit: This much, That much, How much? “
They used the most common thing in daily life, “the unit” as the basic idea, combined visual, digital, and design aesthetics to express through a simple and interesting “Comparison” way. It makes visitors to experience through their eyes, their body, and their touch. They also make visitors to observe the world by the view of artisans and disigners.
以上文章及圖片擷取自 http://www.citytalk.tw/event/303830-%E3%80%90%E5%96%AE%E4%BD%8D%E5%B1%95%EF%BC%9AThis%20much,%20That%20much,%20How%20much?%E3%80%9121_21%20DESIGN