2016臺北溫泉季將於10月20日至24日盛大舉行,除有豐富多元的展攤活動及年年好評不斷的浴衣設計大賞、那卡西歌唱比賽、假日文化體驗、明華園歌仔戲、兒童神轎踩街、土地公隊伍以及與過去不同的是–今年盛邀日本亞太溫泉及台北市商圈的人型布偶娃娃都會到場遊行 .
2016 Taipei Hot Spring SPA is going to be held on October 20-24. There are some activities like bathrobe design awards, Nakasi singing competition, culture experience on weekends, Ming Hwa Yuan of Taiwanese opera and Children’s Deity Palanquin Parade. The most different than before is that Japanese Hot Spring SPA and human puppets are invited to parade in the conference hall.