萬聖節派對 , 歡迎來搞怪 !! Halloween party , Welcomne join us !!
萬聖節派對 , 歡迎來搞怪 !! Halloween party , Welcomne join us !!
天晴旅店在10/31當天晚上(18:00 ~ 21:00)舉辦萬聖節派對 , 歡迎當天入住天晴或是續住的朋友們可以一起參加 !! 我們準備有 Pizza . 點心 . 飲品 ……. 免費享用 !! 現場打卡按讚 , 我們還會再送您紀念品喔 !!
(現場也有準備一些道具 , 歡迎喜歡搞怪的朋友們 , 一起跟我們同樂 ~~)
Taipei Sunny Hostel is going to hold the first Halloween party on 31,October ,next Monday night (start from18:00~21:00),we will prepare free pizza and drinks !And give us a like on Facebook ,we will have a free gift for you ! Please come and join us !
(We also have some Halloween costumes ,if you want to have some fun please join us !)