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2016士林陽明山山藥季-山藥總動員 Shilin Yangmingshan Chinese Yam festival


2016士林陽明山山藥季-山藥總動員 Shilin Yangmingshan Chinese Yam festival

士林陽明山山藥季今年自11月19日起至12月26日止,分別舉辦山藥一日遊、山藥展售活動及山藥饗宴等系列活動 . 現場有產地直銷的生鮮山藥、山藥彈力饅頭、山藥軟Q麻糬、山藥QQ粿、山藥真空包…等產品展售,展售期間更有好玩有趣的互動遊戲、有機會得到山藥好禮(每場限20名)

2016 Shilin Yangmingshan Chinese Yam festival
As a part of the festival, a series of Chinese yam-themed events will take place starting from 19Nov to 26Dec , The organizers will arrange one-day tours to yam fields in Yangmingshan and on 19.20NovA sales event/exhibition of yam products will be held at Taipei Expofarmersmarket,and you also have chance to win the presents from festival event.

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